
Interview to Sony Chairman

Really interesting interview about change

I remember a time when I worked for a TV network. There used to be only three nationwide broadcasting networks in the US. Around the time cable TV was invented, I was at a broadcast convention, and the head of television said in a speech to those of us gathered: "Viewing audiences are satisfied with three choices. They don't need cable and satellite TV."

I was about 40 then, and raised my hand to speak: "That's not true," I said. "The customer will always like choice. While it's better for broadcasters if the world stays the same - that there will always be three networks - it's going to change."

Four weeks later I was made an unexpected job offer. I was hired as president, replacing the man who had given the speech. If I had kept my mouth shut, I would have remained a journalist. And of course cable TV, satellite broadcasting and the like did develop, just as I'd anticipated.

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